Military Pay

DoD Healthcare FSA – What You Need To Know

DoD announced that military members will soon have access to a healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA).  FSAs allow members to elect to have a portion of their pay put into the FSA prior to taxes being taken out.  This money can then be used tax-free for qualified healthcare expense like co-pays, over-the-counter medicine, dental, and vision care.  This article will provide an overview of the DoD Healthcare FSA benefit, who should consider taking advantage of it, and some things you should watch out for.

What is a Healthcare FSA?

A Healthcare FSA is a valuable legal tax-avoidance tool that allows individuals to set aside pre-tax dollars for eligible healthcare expenses.  When you contribute to an FSA, you don’t pay federal, state, Social Security, or Medicare taxes.  This also reduces your taxable income, which lowers your overall tax liability.

The funds in an FSA can be used for a wide range of medical expenses which are specified by the IRS. They include copays, deductibles, prescription medications, and even some over-the-counter items. Unlike Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which are typically paired with high-deductible health plans, FSAs are available to a broader range of individuals and do not require a specific type of health insurance plan.  One key feature of FSAs is the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule, which means that any funds not used by the end of the plan year may be forfeited.

The DoD Healthcare FSA

The DoD Healthcare FSA offers a range of benefits specifically tailored for active-duty service members and reservists. The following members are eligible to participate:

  • Members of the regular (active) component
  • Reserve component members performing Active Guard Reserve (AGR) duty
  • National Guard members performing Active Guard Reserve (AGR) duty
  • Members of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve, including Reserve Component Managers, when performing active duty for more than 180 days

The FSA allows participants to contribute between $100 and $3,300 annually.  Each Servicemember can open an account so mil-to-mil couples could contribute up to $3,300 in two separate accounts for a total of $6,600.  Participants can roll over up to $660 in unused benefit to the following year if they are still enrolled in the program.  Enrollment for the DoD Healthcare FSA is managed by FSAFEDS, and there is a special enrollment period in March 2025.  Participants will manage this benefit through the FSAFEDS portal.

After the special enrollment period, normal enrollment periods will typically be in mid-November to mid-December for the following calendar year.  Eligible expenses must occur between 1 January and 31 December of the plan year to qualify for reimbursement.

Qualified Expenses

The IRS maintains the specifics on what are qualified expenses, but here is part of a graphic from the DoD Office of Financial Readiness.  Link to Full Document

DoD Healthcare FSA eligible expenses

Benefits Of An FSA

Without an FSA, you pay for any out-of-pocket medical expenses with after-tax dollars.  The Federal Government, possibly a state government, and Social Security and Medicare benefits have been deducted before you get that money.  Let’s look at an example to see the value of the FSA.

Today without an FSA

Let’s say you have a $70 bill for a co-pay.  You’ll just pay the $70.  If you trace that money back to your paycheck, you’re really paying more than that because you’ve paid taxes on that money.  You actually need to earn almost $100 If you’re in the 22% tax bracket to pay that bill.  $100-$22 Federal taxes – $7.65 Social Security and Medicare tax = $70.35.

With an FSA

Starting with that same $100, you contribute $70 to your account directly from your paycheck without any taxes being withheld.  Once you’ve paid the same $70 bill and submit the receipt, the FSA will reimburse you for the $70.  In this simple example, the other $30 will just go to your pay minus taxes.  $21 would actually hit your account to spend.

That’s not bad.  The estimates are using an FSA will save you about 30% on qualified expenses.  If you’re in a higher tax bracket, it’ll be higher.  If you have $3,300 in qualified expenses in a year, you could save almost $1000.

Other Considerations

You may be thinking an extra $1000 is great, I’m in.  Here are a few things to think about before jumping in.

Review The Qualified Expenses

Make sure you review last year’s qualified expenses and think about healthcare you might need for next year.  Single members in the military get most of their healthcare through DoD.  You may not have $3300 worth of qualifying expenses and this is use it or lose it (minus $660 you can rollover).  You don’t want be the one going to the drug store in late December to buy $150 in Tylenol and cold medicine because you over contributed.

Filing Receipts To Get Reimbursed

Are you someone who tracks expenses and are detailed enough to file to get reimbursements?  It is definitely easier if you have several bigger expenses like a $2000 bill for braces than having to save and file forty $25 receipts.  The Return on Hassle factor is real.  Saving 30% is great, but if you don’t file and end up losing some money by not claiming you’re in a worse situation than if you never signed up.

Retirement and Separation

You’ll want to review how the plan will work in your separation and retirement year to make sure you don’t end up losing money and are still able to fully participate.

Wrap Up

The new Healthcare FSA can be another powerful tool in your financial toolkit if you use it well.  Be on the lookout for signup information in March 2025.  If you’re reading this after that, consider signing up during the open season typically in November/December of each year.

Questions about whether it makes sense for you to opt-in to this other military or retiree benefits.  Talk with one of the MFAA financial planners.

FINRED Resources

DoD Healthcare FSA Site

DoD Healthcare FSA FAQ 

DoD Healthcare FSA Fact Sheet

DoD Healthcare FSA Eligible Expenses

Military Pay

20 Good Years – Reserve Retirement

“20 Good Years” 


The Basics of a Reserve Component Retirement 

If you’re a traditional or individual reservist or a member of your state’s national guard, you’re consider a member of the reserve component with the potential to earn a military pension and other retirement benefits like those available to active duty servicemembers.  The primary threshold for members of the reserve component to earn retirement benefits is serving at least twenty years of qualifying service, known as “20 good years.” (See this DFAS page for specific details on what qualifies as a good year.)

Throughout this blog we’ll refer to reservists and Guard service members as simply reserve members.  

You’ve made it to “20 Good Years” now what? 

One of your first decisions is if you want to continue to serve or not.  Once you’ve successfully earned twenty qualifying years of service, you have the option to either continue serving with the opportunity to earn additional qualifying years of service, add to your retirement point total, and potentially promotions in rank as a member of the Ready Reserve.  Or you can decide to stop serving or drilling with your unit while you wait to qualify for retired pay.  In this case, if you have not yet reached your 60th birthday, you enter what is known as the gray area.  

What do you mean Gray Area? The Department of Defense defines a Gray Area Retiree as a reserve member who has qualified for retired pay and completed their military service but who is not yet at the age where they can begin receiving their retired pay.  This is an important designation when it comes to both your military pension and your access to benefits like Tricare, space available travel and the commissary which we will detail below.  Let’s start with when you become eligible to receive your military pension and how that pay is calculated before we look at the reserve component survivor benefit and healthcare options. 

How is retired pay calculated for a reservist? The specific calculation of your retired pay benefit depends on many factors including which retirement system you qualify for, either legacy or the blended retirement system, how many good years and service points you have earned, and what rank you have achieved.  The DOD has a comprehensive tool to help you estimate your reserve component retired pay. 

When does Retired Pay start? In most cases, reserve members’ retired pay begins at their 60th birthday; however, since 2008 reserve members have been permitted to reduce their retired pay age from 60 to as early as age 50, when they have completed sufficient qualifying service on active duty orders in support of contingency operations or qualifying national emergencies.  Each 90 days of qualifying active duty service reduces their retired pay age by three months.  

This earlier retired pay start date is known as a Reduced Retired Pay Age (RRPA).  As an example, if a reserve member completed a qualifying 365 day active duty activation in support of contingency operations and successfully completed the verification of this active duty service with their service, they could reduce their retired pay age by four 3 month increments, reducing their retired pay age by 12 months or from age 60 to 59.

Importantly, a reserve member should verify any qualifying active duty orders with their personnel center well in advance of applying for their retired pay.  In fact, reserve members can verify orders while they are still serving, and their orders and personnel documents are still readily available. Fair warning, each service component’s verification process differs and can require substantial lead time to ensure accuracy. 

There are rare instances where a reserve member might continue to serve beyond their 60th birthday.  In these cases, the retired pay age is delayed until they complete their service.   

Is retired pay automatic? No. It’s also important to remember that reserve members need to apply for their retired pay using DD Form 2656.  This application is made no earlier than 12 months and no later than 6 months prior to the retiree’s 60th birthday or RRPA, each service has their own specific instructions for applying for retirement pay.

What about the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan? 

In a previous post, I detailed the importance of an active duty servicemember’s Survivor Benefit Decision.  While there are many similarities between the active duty and reserve component SBP, one of the key differences is when you make the decision, known as the SBP election, and when your survivors might be eligible to begin receiving the annuity.   

What is the Survivor’s Benefit Plan?  The most important fact to know about the amazing military pension you’ve earned during your 20+ years of service is that it ends at your death.  The only way to ensure your spouse and/or your dependents continue to receive a portion of your retired pay is to sign up for the Survivor Benefit Plan.  

In the event you pass away before your spouse or your dependent children, SBP continues to pay an inflation adjusted monthly benefit, known as an annuity payment, to your survivors.  If you’re married and/or have dependent children, chances are they rely on your military pay or pension for a portion of their monthly living expenses.   

If your family depends on your income, then your Reserve Component SPB decision is critical to your financial plan.  

What is the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan?  The Reserve Component SPB is like the active duty SPB in that it pays an inflation adjusted annuity to your surviving beneficiaries if you have earned a military pension.  Because a reserve member could qualify for a military pension at an age substantially earlier than they would be entitled to receive their reserve military pension, the key differences between the Reserve Component and Active Duty SBP center around this Gray Area gap. 

When is the Reserve Component SBP Decision Made?

The first important difference between the active duty and reserve component SPB is when you make your decision.  Because reserve component members might complete their military service years or even decades before they qualify to begin receiving their military pension, they are required to make their RCSBP election when they first become eligible for military retirement, when they reach “20 good years.”

The 20-Year Letter.  When a reserve member reaches twenty years of qualified service and becomes eligible to retire, they received an official Notification of Eligibility (NOE), often referred to as the “20-year letter.”  The window of opportunity to make an RCSBP decision begins upon receipt of this letter and lasts for 90 days.  Failure to make an election within this 90-day timeframe results in a default election of an immediate annuity (Option C below) based on your full retirement pay.  In other words, the default option is the maximum benefit, which is the only option available without notarized spousal consent.

Irrevocable Decision.  It is important to remember that your RCSBP decision is an irrevocable election, making this one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your career.  If you’re married and decide to decline RCSBP or accept less than the full RCSBP benefit, your spouse will need to sign off on that decision.  The rationale behind requiring your spouse’s concurrence is he or she has the most to lose if you decline the RCSBP benefit. 

What are the Three RCSBP Benefit Options?  Because a reserve member’s retirement from the military and the date they begin receiving their military pension could be decades apart, the RCSBP decision offers three different options for when or if your dependent(s) would begin to receive the annuity in the event of your death.  

What are the Election Options?  When a reserve member makes their RCSBP decision, they must first decide if they will provide their beneficiary a survivor annuity and when that annuity might begin. The RCSBP election centers around three options:

Option A: Decline  With Option A, a reserve member declines to make an election until reaching age 60 or their reduced retired pay age (RRPA).  In this case, the reserve member declines to accept the Reserve Component SBP and delays their SBP decision until they apply to begin receiving their military retired pay.  Because they have declined the RCSBP, if they die before reaching their retired pay age, their beneficiaries do not qualify to receive an annuity, ever. 

Option B: Defer  With Option B, a reserve member elects to defer the annuity until age 60 or their RRPA.  In this option, if the member dies before reaching their retired pay age, their beneficiaries will begin receiving the annuity at what would have been their member’s 60th birthday or their RRPA.  In this case, the dependents are protected by an annuity, but there is a delay in the start of the payments until the member’s retired pay age.

For example, if a reserve member (who did not reduce their retirement age) dies at age 51, their dependents would begin receiving the annuity when this member would have become eligible for retired pay at age 60. 

Option C: Immediate  With Option C, the member elects to begin RCSBP coverage immediately, even if they die before reaching age 60 or their RRPA.  In this case, if a reserve member makes this election at age 43 and dies at age 45, their beneficiaries begin receiving the annuity payment immediately without waiting until age 60.  

Spousal Concurrence.   If a married reserve member selects Option A or Option B, their spouse is required to sign off on their decision prior to the end of the 90 day election window.  Spousal consent is also required if the reserve member selects a base amount of less than the full retired pay.  In both cases, the DD Form 2656-5, RCSBP Election Certificate, must be signed by the spouse and notarized.  

Active Duty Retirement.  If a reserve member eventually achieves a full active duty retirement after making their RCSBP decision, the RCSBP decision is invalidated.  The member then qualifies under the active duty SBP rules and must make a new declaration when they retire from active duty. This is true whether the reserve member qualified for active duty retirement due to their length of service or for a medical disability.

What about Tricare? 

Lifetime access to health insurance is one of the most substantial benefits of military retirement.  Members of the Reserve Component can ensure continuity in healthcare coverage for their families throughout their transition through the gray area and into military retirement in three key age based phases.

Prior to Age 60. Once a reserve member enters the gray area, they have the option to access Tricare through the Retired Reservist Tricare program until reaching their 60th birthday.  It is important to note that Tricare eligibility is based solely on a member’s 60th birthday without regard to a reduced retired pay age.  The most noticeable difference between Tricare coverage for serving reservists and gray area retirees is the substantially higher monthly premium for coverage.  As an example, the monthly premium for a single Tricare Retired Reservist in 2024 is $585/month compared to only $52/month for a drilling reservist enrolled in Tricare Reserve Select. 

At Age 60. When a gray area retiree reaches age 60, they move to the Tricare Retired Select program with the substantially reduced premium available to active duty retirees.

At Age 65.  Finally, when a retired reserve member turns 65, they qualify for Tricare for Life in combination with their Medicare benefit.  

What about other military benefits? 

Retired reserve members including gray area retirees have access to many of the same great benefits that active duty retirees enjoy including access to the commissary and exchanges and depending on local policies, MWR facilities like the base gym. Gray area retirees can take advantage of Space A travel on military aircraft, but they are limited to flights within the continental US and only the member may travel.  

Concluding Thoughts


Earning a reserve component military pension and the healthcare benefits that come with can have a substantial positive impact on your financial plan and quality of life in retirement.  Working with a financial planner who understands your military benefits from firsthand experience can help you frame your reserve retirement decisions within the context of your family’s financial plan.  

If you’ve got questions about Reserve Retirements or other financial questions, consider setting up a meeting with one of the MFAA financial advisors.

The information provided in this blog is simply that, information.  It is not intended to serve as an individual recommendation and should not be relied on as investment or tax advice.


Budget Goals Military Pay

Divide and Conquer – How to Create an Electronic Envelope System

Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try, sticking to a budget is like trying to hold water in your hands? Do you struggle with mental math at the cash register wondering if your new jacket exceeds the 7.37% of monthly income line item you have on your spreadsheet budget? Enter the (electronic) envelope system – a method that’s as tactile as practical, ensuring that every dollar is corralled for a specific purpose. Let’s dive into why the envelope system might just be your budgeting breakthrough!

What is the Envelope System?

The genesis of the envelope system was a straightforward way to manage your monthly budget by using physical envelopes to represent different categories of your spending. It’s as simple as labeling each envelope with a category like groceries, entertainment, or utilities and only spending the cash you’ve allocated for each. Many also believe that handing over physical cash increases the friction of transactions and prevents frivolous spending. In today’s technological environment, you may find it impractical to visit a brick-and-mortar bank to withdraw large sums of greenbacks when DFAS thanks you for your service on the 1st and 15th of each month. Enter the Electronic Envelope system.

What is the Electronic Envelope System?

Many of the large banks and credit unions now have user-friendly mobile banking apps that bring the bank teller to you. Customers can view balances and transfer funds between accounts in the palms of their hands. By establishing multiple individual and joint accounts, you can create “envelopes” to shuffle your funds into purpose-specific accounts. I use USAA for most of my banking, and there is no charge for opening new accounts. Between my own accounts and the ones I share with my wife, I have 11 accounts. I also have a 12th account with a High Yield Savings Account where we park our emergency funds (out of sight, out of mind, and a 5.00% APY!).

Why so many accounts?

Each account has a purpose. My LES is directly deposited into the main account each payday. From there, I transfer funds according to the Cash Flow Plan I developed with my wife. Your unique budgeting needs and goals dictate the number of accounts and amounts to fund them with – but that is a wholly different topic. I will share my basic structure.

Types of Accounts

Our Joint Checking account is funded to cover our fixed, recurring shared bills such as mortgage payments, electricity, insurance, etc. There are a total of 15 expenses that we pay out of that account each month. Over time, we learned how much we need to allocate for those categories and generally adjust the amounts each year in January. We leave a small buffer of funds in that account just in case a bill is larger than anticipated.

Another account is our Miscellaneous Spending account, which is for variable spending, such as groceries and the odd expenses that pop up for our children. We tracked our grocery bills for a period to help set a baseline for how much to contribute to this account, and now we use that limit as guardrails to control our shopping. 

Next, we have a checking account titled Rental Checking into which we mobile deposit the rent checks from our tenants. We use these funds to pay the mortgage and any expenses related to the rental property, which makes filling out Schedule E much easier during tax season.

We use separate savings accounts for separate goals. Foremost is our emergency fund, which is held outside of USAA. It is funded with several months’ worth of expenses, and given the larger balance, we wanted to take advantage of the highest APY. Having this account largely out of sight also reduces our temptation to spend the money on non-emergencies.

We have a short-term Joint Savings account and contribute a small amount to each paycheck to handle unexpected expenses. Finally, we have a Sinking Fund account to make small contributions throughout the year for larger planned purchases (mainly summer camps for our daughters).

After Set Up

Once the framework is set up it requires just 2 minutes each payday to make the established transfers. I have complete autonomy to spend the remaining funds without guilt as I have already:

  1. Funded my retirement goals under my TSP and Roth IRA contributions first (alongside my wife’s 403(b) and IRA contributions).
  2. Funded our necessary savings and emergency funds.
  3. Set aside the funds to cover my liabilities and expenses.

Why Use This System?

Disciplined Spending: Once your primary/remainder account is empty, your discretionary spending is done until your next paycheck, which forces you to stick to your budget with clear limits.

Immediate Feedback: You get a real-time visual representation of your remaining budget, helping you adjust your spending habits on the fly. You won’t have to factor in upcoming bills with your spending habits as you will have already sequestered that money aside during your transfers.

Savings Incentive: Any money left over in an account can be redirected to savings/investments, debt repayment, or rolled over to the next period. This is an immediate reward for frugal spending.

How to Implement the Envelope System

  • Determine Your Categories: Start by listing your regular expenses such as rent, food, gas, and entertainment are common categories, but tailor to your lifestyle. Determine the categories you need and contact your bank to open those accounts. If you share expenses with a partner, make sure they have access to deposit and withdraw.
  • Set Your Budget: Consider your income and expenses to decide how much to allocate to each account. Be realistic and adjust as needed, or at least annually. Divide the annual amount into 24 (or 26 civilian) pay periods.
  • Fill Your Accounts: After each paycheck, fill your various accounts with budgeted amounts.
  • Spend Like You Have a Plan: Stick to the limits you have set for each category and fund. It can be as simple as using a dedicated credit card to transfer funds out of the appropriate category.  Then park them in a short-term savings account until the bill is due. Bonus: you can accrue credit card reward points but avoid finance charges by paying in full each month!

Wrapping Up

The envelope/transfer system isn’t just about controlling spending; it’s about taking charge of your financial future. It reminds you of your goals and the path you’re taking to achieve them. It takes the guesswork and pressure out of discretionary spending and paying bills while working towards other financial goals.

Remember, financial freedom isn’t an overnight achievement. It’s the result of consistent, mindful decisions. Having a plan for each dollar may seem small at the moment but can build into tremendous savings over time.

How Do I Optimize This Strategy to Meet My Goals? 

Hopefully, this article has given you ideas for what kinds of accounts you want to establish and how to divvy up those DFAS deposits. At the end of the day, the system is just a framework for you to apply your unique situation.

If you need help figuring out how your goals, expenses, and petty funds should be configured, it may be time to tag in a trusted Financial Planner. Reach out and connect with an advisor at the Military Financial Advisors Association!


Military Pay

PCS Season: Organize Your Financial Life

PCS Season: Organize Your Financial Life


Whether you’re motivated by an upcoming PCS or it’s simply time for a little desk drawer cleaning, the occasional purge of unwanted household items can feel like a fresh start. When you’re done cleaning out the closets, remember that same sense of accomplishment can be had when it’s time to tidy up your financial documents.  

If you’re setting out to “Marie Kondo” the piles of financial paperwork in your file cabinet and all that snail mail stacking up on your kitchen counter, the classic KonMari question – “does this bring me joy?” — won’t necessarily apply to your financial and tax paperwork.  (Even as a financial planner, taxes never bring me joy.)  

Do I really need 10 years’ worth of utility bills? 

By following a few simple rules, you can tackle the piles of paper and send your financial documents off to the shredder with a little gratitude.

Keep forever. Important life documents, especially those that are difficult to replace, should be kept in a “forever” file, preferably in a fire safe box or similarly protected.  

  • Life documents: birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, adoption papers, social security cards;
  • Military service documents:  DD 214, VA disability certifications, and overseas deployment orders; 
  • Education documents: diplomas, transcipts, certificates.

Keep “permanently.” Key financial and legal documents should be protected in a similar way to your forever documents, but these documents might need to be updated or replaced over time.  

  • Estate planning documents: wills, powers of attorney, medical directives;
  • Legal filings: trusts, inheritance, court orders, contracts, etc.
  • Financial documents: mortgage/loan pay off documentation, life insurance documentation, etc.
  • Investment documents: End of year statements serve as a historical record of all your contributions, distributions, and investment gains which could prove useful if you ever need to establish basis in an investment many years in the future.
  • IRA Tax Form 5498: Your IRA trustee publishes this important documentation of your contributions, conversions and account balances each May;  
  • Deeds & titles: deeds to property, titles of vehicles, certificates of authenticity, appraisals of artwork, antiques, jewelry, etc.
  • Medical documents: your medical records, including your vaccination record.

For estate planning reasons, it’s helpful to keep all the “forever” and “permanently” documents in a safe place like a fire safe box.  It is also important to be sure your family members and potential executor know where and how to access them if necessary.  

“What about my tax documents?”

Keep At Least 7 years. The IRS can audit tax returns going back either 3 or 7 years, depending on their reason for the audit.  That makes at least seven years the better safe than sorry choice for tax related documents. 

  • Tax returns including proof of your payment to the IRS and your state tax documents.
  • Important tax documents like your W2, 1099’s, 1098’s, etc.
  • Retirement contribution documents including your IRS Form 8606 if you have Traditional IRAs. 
  • Supporting documents related to expenses written off including confirmation letters from charities you donated to, donation related credit card statements and canceled checks. This includes health care receipts if deducted on your tax return.
  • Records for any business-related expenses including utilities, taxes, travel, purchases, etc.

Home ownership/rental properties: Documents related to the purchase, improvement or disposal of a home, property or business should be kept for at least seven years after the tax year during which you dispose of the property.  

This includes mortgage, title and tax documents, closing documents, loan pay off documents and any receipts for substantial improvements like additions or remodels that increase the value of the property.

Keep 1 year. Most monthly bills and bank/investment documents are accessible online, so there is little benefit to keeping them in paper form.  If you prefer to keep them in your physical file cabinet, you need only keep them for one year.  As mentioned earlier, end of year investment statements should be kept with your important documents.

Keep less than a year. Utility bills and credit card documents can be discarded once you’ve reviewed your bill for errors and paid the account.  You only need to keep these longer if you write them off as a business expense or otherwise take a tax deduction for them (see 7 years above). 

When in doubt, SHRED it!

Now that we know what to keep, let’s look at which documents need to be shredded instead of tossed in the garbage.  To protect your identity from the teams of fraudsters out there, you should shred any document with your social security number, account number, or any other combination of personally identifiable information including your name, address, date of birth or driver’s license details.  

Even “junk mail” contains an inordinate amount of PII; especially mail from banks and unsolicited credit card offers.  To help stem the flow of these annoying offers, the Federal Trade Commission provides several methods to “opt out” of specific types of junk mail and unsolicited offers.  

When in doubt, shred it.  You can either do this with a home shredder or take your pile of documents to a local commercial shredder.  Both the UPS Store and FedEx Store will shred your mountain of documents for a reasonable price, saving you the trouble of cleaning up the dusty mess yourself. You can also take advantage of free community and base wide shredding opportunities. 

An ounce of prevention … go paperless!

Now that you’ve tackled your collection of twenty-year-old canceled checks, it’s time to take this tidying up one step further – go paperless!  Your banks, lenders, and investment companies offer a wide variety of paperless record keeping options. Simply log into your account and subscribe to their paperless option.  At the end of the year, simply download copies of the important annual documents for your records.  Keeping important financial documents out of your mailbox is an important first step toward protecting your identity and simplifying your life. 

Happy sorting:)

Need help organizing your financial life.  The MFAA advisors can help and you can find them here.

Military Pay

Tricare for Life – Is It Really Free?

Tricare for Life – Is It Really Free?

Military retirees, including reserve retirees over age 60, are familiar with the retiree Tricare drill. And when you hear “Tricare for Life” you may assume Tricare as you know it continues to death, but free.

Yes, and No

When you reach age 65, whatever Tricare plan you were on ends. You will be automatically moved to Tricare for Life. You will not pay any more Tricare annual fees.

But… In order to be covered under Tricare for Life, you must enroll in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. Part A (Hospital Insurance) coverage is free. Part B (Medical Insurance) is not. You will have to pay Part B premiums to Medicare. 

Your Medicare Part B premium is based on your annual income. For 2024, the standard Part B premium is $174.70 a month ($2,096.40 a year) per person. If your annual income is more than $103,000 (single) or $206,000 married filing jointly) you pay even more. 

Sounds Bad

By comparison Medicare premiums are much higher than the Tricare Prime Retired premiums ($363/year, individual). Though much lower than Tricare Retired Reserve ($7,023 a year, individual).

How Can This Be a Good Deal?

It’s unfair to only compare annual premiums. Your coverage will be more complete than Tricare alone because because Medicare covers some things Tricare doesn’t and visa versa.

Tricare for Life and Medicare together provide “wrap around coverage” through coordination of benefits (COB) rules. Medicare as the primary payer will pay it’s share of your medical bills first, and then Tricare will pay it’s share after that. 

For example, the catastrophic cap (total maximum co-pays and cost share per year) you could have to pay with other retiree (under age 65) Tricare plans is $3,000 to $4,399 a year. 

Under Tricare for Life, you pay those Medicare Part B premiums and that’s it. Usually there’s no additional costs. It’s very predictable.

If you receive care that is only covered by Medicare (like chiropractic) or only covered by Tricare (such as overseas care), you will be on the hook for some co-pays/cost share.

And you would need to pay entirely for a few things not covered by either Medicare or Tricare. Dental work and long term care are two examples.

Overall, Tricare for Life is really pretty amazing coverage. Just for reference, “regular civilians” 65 and older have a 20% cost share with Medicare Part B and no catastrophic cap (costs are unlimited). They also pay additional, much higher premiums and copays for drugs.

What if I use the Veterans Administration (VA)?

VA care can be a great option at any time. But if you are considering using only the VA system to avoid Tricare for Life and paying for Medicare Part B, proceed with extreme caution. 

A VA facility may not be available near you if you move or facilities close. VA healthcare is only available in the United States, so you wouldn’t be covered if you travel or move to another country. You are assigned to a priority group for VA care based on your service and disability. If you are in a lower priority group, you may be treated only on a space available basis, and you may have co-pays. And keep reading about penalties if you delay signing up for Medicare Part B.

Note: Also be careful when using Tricare for Life and Veterans Affairs health providers for non-service related care. Because VA providers are not allowed to bill Medicare, you can’t be reimbursed through Tricare for Life for any co-pay a VA provider charges. You’d have to pay for any VA expenses out of pocket. For most retired military these costs are likely low. Just know before you go.

What about my family?

Eligible family members stay on Tricare Standard or Prime until age 65 when they must sign up for Medicare Part A and B themselves and switch to Tricare for Life. So a service member and family members may be in different Tricare plans at the same time.

Don’t Delay Signing Up for Medicare Part B

The Medicare enrollment period starts 3 months before to your 65th birthday through 3 months after. So start when you are 64 years and 9 months old to be sure you don’t have a gap in coverage.

If you’re late, enrollment penalties are added to your monthly premium. The longer you wait to sign up, the higher the penalty. You’ll pay an extra 10% for each year you could have signed up for Part B, but didn’t. This is NOT just a one-time penalty. So if you wait 2 years to sign up, you will pay 20% higher Medicare premiums for the rest of you life!

You can delay enrolling in Part B if you or your spouse are working and covered by a workplace group health plan with 20 or more employees. In that case, you would need to enroll in Medicare Part B within 8 months of stopping work or losing your workplace health coverage, which ever is sooner in order to avoid penalty. 

What About the Rest of the Alphabet?

With Tricare for Life you do not need (and don’t pay for) a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) or a Drug Plan (Part D). Tricare for Life has you covered.

Where Can I Get More Details?

Download your Tricare for Life brochure here:

Military Pay

State-Level Veterans Benefits 

State-Level Veterans Benefits 

The US Department of Veterans Affairs has many benefits for military veterans. But did you know each state also has their own veterans affairs departments with additional benefits? Read on so you don’t miss out.

Where to Start?

State veterans affairs offices, also known as local veterans service offices, are government-run entities run by each state dedicated to helping veterans receive the benefits and services they deserve.

State-level veterans benefits vary from state to state. The benefits available to you also vary based on factors like your length and type of service, type of discharge, and your level of disability rating (if any).

The best place to start is your local state veterans affairs offices. Check out their website to see all they have to offer. Then dig in for benefits that interest you! 

This flyer from the federal VA has links to all 50 states and and the District of Columbia veterans services webpages.

What Veteran Benefits Do States Provide?

Here’s some categories that your state may offer, along with specific examples from individual states.


State VA offices often offer educational benefits like tuition assistance, scholarships, and vocational training programs. These help you start a new career or enhance their existing skills. You can often find employment support through these offices, like job placement services, resume assistance, and training programs, too.

One of the most valuable state-level veteran benefits is help paying for college. At least 12 states offer tuition waivers (or something similar) for in-state universities to qualifying veterans and, in some cases, family members. 

The tuition waiver typically covers all or some of the in-state tuition and sometimes certain other fees associated with attending college. The states may have different names for the program, such as “Veterans Tuition Waiver,” “Veterans Fee Waiver,” or “Dependents’ Educational Assistance.”

Example: In Virginia, the Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program supports veterans who are Virginia residents and rated at least 90% permanently disabled due to military service. It provides a guaranteed waiver of all tuition and mandatory fees for eight semesters at a Virginia public college or university. An eligible veteran, their spouse, and their children ages 16-29 can use the benefit.

Example: Texas’s Hazelwood Act, provides eligible veterans in Texas up to 150 credit hours of tuition exemption at public universities and colleges in Texas. This benefit can also be transferred to eligible children in certain circumstances. Unlike Virginia, there is no requirement to have a VA disability. However, when you entered active duty, you must have designated Texas as your Home of Record, or enter military service in Texas, or were a Texas resident. You must also currently reside in Texas, served at least 180 days on active duty (excluding training) and had an honorable discharge or a general discharge under honorable conditions.

Tax Breaks

Many states offer veterans some kind of break on state taxes like property tax, income tax, and sales tax.

Example: Florida veterans with VA service-connected disability ratings of 10% or higher are eligible for a state property tax exemption of $5,000. You must file paperwork in the county showing proof of disability and VA rating. Surviving spouses who were married to the veteran for five years before the veteran’s death can also apply.

Example: Almost all states exempt all or part of military retiree pay from state income tax. Only California and the District of Columbia tax all military retiree pay as income.

Example: Oklahoma offers a sales tax exemption, including city and county sales tax, to eligible veterans with a 100% service connected disability rating. The tax exemption  is up to $25,000 for a veteran, and up to $1,000 for a Surviving Spouse. 

State Employment Preferences

Certain states offer veterans hiring preferences for state government jobs. This means veterans may receive additional points or priority in the hiring process when applying for state government positions.

Example: All New York State resident veterans with an honorable discharge from wartime service receive a 5-point employment preference over non-veterans in interviews and exams for state jobs, or 2.5 points for promotion exams. Veterans with a disability rating receive a total of 10 points, or 5 points for promotion exams.

Small Business Support

Several states have programs that offer financial assistance, training, and resources specifically for veteran-owned businesses, aiming to encourage entrepreneurship and economic growth within the veteran community.

Example: Illinois’ Veteran Entrepreneurship helps returning servicemembers and veterans start their own business and assists existing veteran-owned businesses expand their operation. This includes training seminars, educational sessions, and other related events.

Land Purchase

A few states offer veteran residents the opportunity to buy state land at a discount.

Example: Alaska’s Veterans Land Discount program gives Alaska veteran residents a 25% discount on the purchase of state residential/recreational land. A similar but separate program, Veterans Land Sale Preference, allows veterans to purchase land at a restricted sale at fair appraised market value before it is offered to the general public by auction. You can’t use both benefits at the same time. 

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Some states offer veterans free or reduced price hunting and fishing licenses. 

Example: Colorado offers a free lifetime combination small-game hunting and fishing license for a resident veteran with a permanent service-connected disability of 60% or more.

State Parks Passes

Most states offer veterans free or reduced prices for state park passes and/or camping fees and other use fees. 

Example: Arizona residents who are retired military or service disabled veterans receive 50% off day-use entrance to Arizona State Parks. Arizona residents with a 100% VA disability rating are entitled to a free day-use pass.

License Plates

Many states issue special license plates for veterans. These plates may indicate you are a disabled veteran, your branch of service, or display other symbols representing your service.

Example: Louisiana offers 47 license plate designs that honor veterans and eligible family members. These plates are issued for the same fee as a regular license plate.

Veteran’s Treatment Court

The number of states with Veteran Treatment Courts has grown rapidly. These courts offers alternatives to case proceedings for veterans. They try to address underlying problems which contribute to criminal activity or other court involvement. They promote education and job placement, and access to medical, mental health, dental, homelessness, unemployment, family counseling, and employment services.

Example: California has 33 veteran’s treatment courts throughout the state.

Veterans Homes

Every state operates at least one veterans home providing long-term care services to eligible veterans. These homes offer skilled nursing care, assisted living, and care for veterans who need specialized support in their daily lives. 

Example: North Carolina operates four state veterans nursing homes. Applicants must be a veteran who served on active duty and was discharged under honorable conditions. The veteran must be a resident of North Carolina for two years immediately prior to application. And must be disabled and in need of nursing home care with physician orders. Veterans with a 70% disability rating or higher have most of their costs paid by the VA.

Veterans Cemeteries

Most states maintain their own veterans cemeteries, providing a final resting place for veterans and their eligible family members.

Example: Idaho has two state veterans cemeteries where any veteran may be buried (do not have to be a resident of Idaho). Most veterans are eligible for a VA burial plot allowance that covers the cost of internment, a grave marker, use of a committal shelter, and perpetual care of the gravesite. Spouses can share plot and grave marker with the veteran, but will need to pay their internment fee.

Don’t Miss Out!

You won’t receive these benefits automatically. Check with your local veterans services office or the official website of your state’s Veterans Affairs office for the details on specific benefits you may be eligible for. Then apply!

And remember, every state is different. So it’s on you to look for what a particular state has to offer and apply. Benefits available to you may vary based on factors like your length of service, type of discharge, and level of disability rating (if any), so check the details. 

Here’s the VA link again that has the websites for all 50 states’ veteran services.

If you need help navigating state-level veterans benefits or federal VA benefits, get in touch with one of our military planners.  MFAA-planners excel at figuring out how to maximize your benefits.  You can find the list of MFAA planners here.

Military Pay

Why Should you Care About the Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season in 2023?

Why Should you Care About the Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season in 2023?

When a retiree dies, his/her retired pay (and VA disability compensation) also expire. The Survivor Benefit Plan is a continuation of part of retired pay for a surviving spouse and or children. It can also support special needs dependents too.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized a rare “open season” for eligible active and reserve retirees to get into or out of the Survivor Benefit Plan (SPB).  This is a big deal as there have been very few other open seasons in history (about one per decade and at the whims of Congress) and retirees end their service knowing that opting out of SBP is generally a one-way door.

Because opting back in is the rarer opportunity, this article focuses on getting back into SPB versus opting back out past the normal 3rd year opportunity.

A Quick SBP Primer

The DFAS website (and countless other blogs) has all the weedy details about SBP, but here’s what you really care about.  We’ll focus on the most common case—a married service member that chooses the Spouse full coverage SBP option. SBP costs 6.5% of retired pay per month. It comes out pre-tax. If the military member dies, the surviving spouse gets 55% of the military member’s retired pay.

The Pros of SBP include:

  • Inflation-adjusted income for the surviving spouse until remarriage (before age 55) or death.
  • The amount received is generally enough for a mortgage but is unlikely to cover 100% of expenses.
  • The surviving spouse does not have to determine how to invest an insurance payout to create lifetime income.

The Cons of SBP include:

  • If feels expensive initially-especially for military members that aren’t sure what their financial situation will look like on the other side of military retirement.
  • It looks expensive compared to sizeable amounts of Term Life Insurance.
  • 55% of say, 50% of basic pay isn’t enough to live on.
  • The benefit is taxable as ordinary income. Insurance payouts are tax-free and returns from invested insurance dollars could be at more favorable capital gains tax rates.
  • It goes away with remarriage before age 55 (but comes back if the new spouse dies or divorces).
  • Except for unpredictable and rare open seasons, it cannot be cancelled after the 3rd year of premiums. The premiums last for 30 years or until death.

There is an excellent, inexpensive, and short book available by a retired naval officer that has even more detail. In my experiences there are a few key reasons why retirees decline or opt into SBP.

Reasons that retirees take SPB:

  • Health conditions prevent attempting to replace it with Term Life Insurance and any other form of insurance is expensive and inadequate to the task.
  • Spouse indicates that s/he feels more secure knowing that there will always be some basic level of inflation-adjusted income.
  • Spouse will be unable to earn an income sufficient to provide for the family’s needs.
  • The family has not built a nest egg at military retirement such that, the nest egg combined with a Term Life Insurance payout could replace the income from SBP.

Reasons retirees decline SBP:

  • The premium is several hundred dollars per month and feels expensive compared to any other insurance the member has encountered.
  • Both spouses will be military retirees, thus one pension will continue if one spouse lives.
  • Both spouses work such that the surviving spouse expects to provide for his/her own needs (plus any children).
  • The family has purchased sufficient Term Life Insurance and believes that:
  • If the retiree dies, the spouse can invest and manage the payout to replace lifetime income needs.
  • The family has a nest egg growing such that the family will be self-insured before the life insurance term expires (which the surviving spouse can invest and manage to replace lifetime income needs).

Keep in mind that what you just read is a low pass over an extremely important topic and it’s vital to your family’s well-being to invest the time and effort required to make a fully informed decision about SBP.

Opting Back Into SBP

While the DOD has yet to announce the devilish details of how the SBP Open Season will work, the NDAA gives us enough information to start exploring the concept.  Let’s examine the case of an O-6 that retired at 23 years in 2020, receives $6,500 per month in retired pay, and chooses to opt back into SBP during the calendar year 2023 Open Season.

The NDAA states that members will need to meet the following criteria to opt back in:

  • Repay missed premiums since retirement (becoming eligible for SBP)
  • Pay interest on the missed premiums
  • Pay any other fees/penalties instituted by DOD

One not-so-small detail in the NDAA is that the calculations on these payments are supposed to be from the date one elects to opt back into the SBP.  If SBP Open Season isn’t already up and ready to as of the NDAA signing (it doesn’t appear to be as I’m typing), then retirees may have to pay for extra months simply because there is no way to opt back in yet.

Sample calculations (holding inflation at 0%) on the costs of opting back into SBP might look like:

  • Months in non-covered status: 36
  • Total premiums not paid: $15,210 (36 months * $6,500 * 6.5%)
  • Interest on premiums: $685 (hypothetical 3% interest compounded monthly from first “missed premium”)
  • Fees: $500 (hypothetical administrative fee)
  • Total upfront payment to opt back into SBP: $16,395
  • Remaining premiums paid over next 27 years if retiree does not die during the normal 30-year payment period: $136,890
  • Total cost of SBP over 30 years: $153,285
  • Total retired pay received over 30 years: $2,340,000

Wow! That’s a lot of Money…

You live in a different financial world if those numbers are budget dust to you. For most readers, separating with six figures of pay for a benefit that may never be used is hard to swallow.  Remember though, opting back into SBP is about taking care of a spouse that doesn’t share your interest in the details of investing such as costs, taxes, asset allocation, timing, account types, custodians, etc.

Still, if you’ve reconciled that you might be willing to make the monthly premium payment going forward (6.5% of your retired pay) but are having a hard time stomaching the upfront cost, it might be good to revisit alternatives.

Perhaps you initially purchased $1.5 million of 20-year term coverage, but now feel as though inflation has eroded the buying power of those dollars. Have you looked at getting more term coverage, perhaps for a longer period?  $16,395 would buy nearly 15 years of an extra $1M term policy at $100 per month.  What additional amount of time and payout to your nest egg would have you and your spouse comfortable trading guaranteed secure income for a one-time windfall?

That $16,395 payment would have bought my first new car and most of the price of the cars I’ve bought since.  It’s a bit more than I plan to spend on vacations and travel most years.  What line items from your family’s budget could skinny-down for a year or two to pay for the upfront missed premiums?

Since ultimately, we’re talking about purchasing a feeling of security for a widow(er), what is that worth? Clearly this is a complex question to answer, and each family needs to do both mathematical analysis and wade carefully through what might be an emotional mine field to get to the right answer.

Cleared to Rejoin

SBP is an important part of your retirement benefits. While it may seem expensive, it’s really about buying security for your spouse/family during part of their life they never expected to have to live: without you.  Even if you have what feels like sufficient life insurance, will your spouse be up to the task of turning a life insurance payout into income for life?

If you consider buying back into SBP, it will be important to compare the costs versus alternatives such as even more life insurance. Since you can’t enroll just yet, here are action steps you take today:

  • Review your life insurance and the assumptions behind it
  • Project your nest egg’s growth under varying conditions
  • Plan where the SBP upfront re-enrollment costs might come from
  • Project your new budget with the SBP premium factored in
  • Revisit the DFAS SBP Open Season site (or set up a Google News Alert) weekly
  • Talk to your spouse about the pros and cons of your current choice and the alternatives

Fight’s On!

Military Pay Military Retirement Taxes

Is My Military Retired Pay Tax Free if I have a VA Disability Rating? – NO!

Is My Military Retired Pay Tax Free if I have a VA Disability Rating? – NO!


Every year I have a handful of clients ask me if their military retired pay (a.k.a. pension) is tax free because they have a disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). When I ask why they believe their military pension is not subject to taxation they forward me “the email.” It is semi-official looking and seems to be from someone who ought to know what they are talking about. The email cites an IRS publication and sometimes (depending on which version you get) a court case.


It’s all twaddle. Your military retired pay is taxable income.


Like everything involving tax rules there are exceptions to the general rule. That is doubtless where the confusion originates. “The email” makes it seem like many more veterans qualify for the exception than do. The simple test to apply is this – do you have a written determination from the VA or your branch of the service specifying that your disability is combat-related. If that answer is ‘no” then you are paying taxes on your military retired pay. (If the answer is “yes”, you might still have to pay taxes on it, but you have no hope of being tax free without that official determination.)


Until recently I had to provide a long explanation to recipients of “the email,” some of whom ardently believe their retired pay was not taxable because they had a VA disability rating. I would have to explain that the court case did not apply, that IRS publications are not legally authoritative, and that the passages cited are being taken out of context. The explanation got much shorter recently, as one veteran took her case to the US Tax Court. The judge ruled against her, and his explanation sheds some light on the tax status of military retired pay.


You can read the full Tax Court Memo here.


T.C. Memo 2022-42; Tracy R. Valentine v. Commissioner filed April 28, 2022


Valentine is an Army veteran who was honorably discharged in 2002 after 22 years of active duty service. She had a disability rating of 60% that was increased to 90% effective May 1, 2016. For the first 4 months of 2016 she received VA disability payments of $1100 per month. For the remaining 8 months of 2016 she received $1700 per month in VA disability payments. The IRS does not dispute that these payments from the VA are tax free (excluded from income).


Valentine also received $23,801 from her Army-based retirement plan in 2016. She received a form 1099R from DFAS, reporting the entire amount as taxable. When Valentine filed her 2016 tax return she reported the taxable income from her military pension as $3,158, excluding the remaining $20,643 as not taxable income. The IRS disputed her claim that part of her military pension should be excluded from income and issued a Notice of Deficiency (NOD). Valentine exercised her right to challenge the NOD and petitioned the Tax Court for relief.


At Tax Court Valentine testified that IRC Section 104(a) and 104(b) entitle her to use the VA disability rating to exclude both the VA disability payments and a portion of her military pension from taxable income. Valentine represented herself at Tax Court and did not cite specific sub-paragraphs of the IRC to support her claim.


In his ruling Judge Gustafson provided some analysis of the tax code. There are two separate provisions in the tax code that could render a veteran’s military retired pay excludible from income. Under section 104(b)(2)(C) a veteran may exclude a portion of the distributions from income if they qualify as “amounts…received by reason of a combat-related injury”. Valentine did not provide any testimony or evidence at trial to indicate her disability rating was combat-related. Therefore section 104(b)(2)(C) does not apply.


The other provision is contained in section 104(b)(2)(D). A veteran may exclude a portion of the distributions from income equal to an amount they “would be entitled to receive as disability compensation”. There is legislative history supporting the court’s interpretation of this to mean that it does not apply if one is already receiving disability compensation from the VA. As Valentine was already receiving disability compensation from the VA, section 104(b)(2)(D) does not apply.


The Bottom Line


Bottom line: The US Tax Court ruled all the retirement distributions Valentine received are “properly includible in her gross income”. Military retired pay cannot be excluded from income solely because one has a VA disability rating. Valentine was also subject to penalties and interest on the tax owed for not reporting the income on her 2016 tax return.


I have had clients contact DFAS, explain they have a VA disability rating, and request the tax withholding on their military retired pay stop. When DFAS stops the withholding the veterans assume DFAS agrees that the pay is not taxable. That is not true. It simply means that DFAS will stop tax withholding on your military retired pay if you request it. When the 1099R is issued it will state that all the retired pay is taxable. Since the IRS also receives a copy of your 1099R, they will expect you to declare it on your individual income tax return and pay taxes on it. If you don’t, they will issue you a Notice of Deficiency and charge you penalties and interest for failing to report it.


I am a veteran with a VA disability rating. I want my military retired pay to be tax free. I am also a tax professional. If my military retired pay was tax free I’d know about it. If our military retired pay was tax-free I would be writing about it. My colleagues would be writing about it. The VA, VFW, DAV, and the American Legion would all be writing about it. The IRS would have pages of FAQs about it. You wouldn’t find out about it through an old forwarded email that tells a story too good to be true.


If you still have questions, the Military Financial Advisor’s Association has both tax professionals and financial planners with tax planning expertise that can help with your unique situation.





Financial Planning Military Pay

10 Financial Opportunities and Challenges Dual Military Couples Experience

When both members of a couple serve in the military, they share a greater understanding of the mission and life demands that come with putting service before self.  They also share the unique financial planning opportunities and challenges created by their double duty lives.


While dual military couples enjoy the financial advantage of two incomes and twofold benefits; they also to juggle the challenges that come with two military careers – two missions, two commanders, two demanding work schedules.   Add a couple of kids to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for financial challenges created by tag-team deployments, maintaining multiple households, and paying for sky-high childcare expenses.


Across the Department of Defense, seven percent of service members are in a dual military couple; or looked at another way, one in five military women are in a dual military couple.


If you’re a member of a dual military couple or a couple considering jumping into military service together, this article will help you understand the unique financial planning opportunities you may experience and the financial and career challenges you may face.


Let’s look at the top ten financial opportunities and challenges dual military couples experience.


#1: Two Incomes


No matter the rank, two incomes make life a little easier – easier to live within your means and easier to avoid debt. Two incomes allow dual military couples to save more aggressively for both short and long term goals, provided they’re able to establish a standard of living more closely aligned with one income, than two.


The key for dual military couples is to take advantage of this opportunity from the beginning of their careers.  Demographic data tells us that the number of dual military couples drops off dramatically as rank increases.  Among enlisted ranks, the number of dual military couples peaks at E-6; for officers, the peak is O-3. (DOD Demographic Report.)


This data suggests that dual military couples are wise to maximize their savings and investing opportunities in the first ten years of their careers in part to benefit from the power of compounding; but also, recognizing this two income opportunity may be fleeting.


#2 Two Housing Allowances


In many situations both members of a dual military couple receive a basic allowance for housing (BAH).  Let’s walk through a couple of scenarios –


First, if a dual military couple is assigned to the same location and live off base, both members of the couple receive BAH.  If they’re able to carefully manage their housing costs, this is a golden opportunity to ramp up their savings rate by applying their second housing allowance toward their Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account or other savings accounts.


If this same couple lives on post in privatized housing, they both receive BAH, but their rent is based on one BAH at the with dependent rate.   This too can be a great opportunity to maximize their savings rate by applying the additional housing allowance toward savings.  By contrast, if this same dual military couple is assigned government provided housing, neither receives BAH.


If a dual military couple has a dependent child, one of the two members receives BAH at the dependent rate.  In the not so rare case that the couple is not assigned together and each of them has a dependent child living with them, then both members could receive BAH at the dependent rate.


Let’s walk through an example of this last scenario.   A dual military couple with two kids is stationed overseas when the husband receives a one-year stateside school assignment.   He relocates stateside with one of the couple’s children, while the wife extends her assignment overseas and keeps their other child with her.  Both receive a housing allowance at the with dependent rate.


This example of multiple households leads to our first challenge –


#3 Living Together or Not?


The services try to keep dual mil couples together when possible, the Air Force refers to these assignments as a “join spouse” assignment, while the Army calls it a “joint domicile” assignment.


Like everything in military life, the needs of the service always comes first. It isn’t always possible to perfectly align two military careers every step of the way, especially as both careers progress into leadership positions.


When it all works out, one roof with two BAHs, it’s an amazing opportunity to save, save, save.


When it doesn’t work out, when the couple needs to maintain two households because they aren’t stationed together, that’s when they’re really glad they decided to live within the value of one BAH at their previous assignment.


Technically a “joint domicile” assignment could assign the spouses to two separate installations within 50 miles from each other.  In this scenario, a dual military couple might decide to live somewhere in the middle and each commute to their duty station.  This scenario is common with dual military couples who are not in the same service.


#4 VA Loan Entitlements


With all this moving to and from installations, sometimes together, sometimes not; it’s important to understand that each member of a dual military couple earns their own VA Loan entitlement.


When they buy a home, they can either use one of the entitlements and save the other for a future home purchase, or they can split the entitlement, leaving each of them with a partial VA entitlement.


An important consideration is if one of the spouses is a member of the Reserve Component and has already established a VA disability rating; their VA loan entitlement allows them to avoid paying the VA funding fee, which could substantially reduce their upfront costs for purchasing their primary residence.


So far, we’ve looked at several financial opportunities that dual military couples experience which allow them to maximize their savings; but it’s important to consider a few of the common financial challenges.


#5 Military Childcare


Obviously, quality childcare is critical to all working parents, military or not.  Across corporate America, only 20% of employers provide any assistance or subsidy for their working parents’ childcare needs.  Fortunately, the DOD has invested substantially in installation Child Development Centers (CDCs) and Family Childcare programs.


The DOD’s childcare program is the largest employer sponsored childcare program in the US, providing care to over 200,000 military children at a cost of about $1B per year.


CDCs provide nationally accredited childcare to our military families at an affordable price, but dual military couples still face several childcare related challenges.


Availability.  There are more than 400,000 military kids under the age of 5, yet only half that many CDC slots across the DOD.  Unfortunately, waitlists are the norm at many installations.  Single military parents and dual military families have priority at their installation CDC, but even that advantage is not always enough to guarantee a slot when they need it.


Duty Hours.  The typical duty day rarely fits neatly within the CDC’s hours of operation, leaving parents with extended duty days or shift work scrambling for alternatives.  Training exercises and temporary duty assignments stretch dual military parents even further beyond the CDC’s hours.


Cost.  To say that childcare is expensive is an understatement, even on two incomes.  Nationwide, parents spend on average more than ten percent of their income on childcare; in high cost of living locations like Washington DC, couples can spend over $2000 a month on a single child’s care.


For dual military couples who can’t fit their duty day within the CDC’s workday, they often turn to nannies to provide in home care including early morning and late evening care, or overnight care when necessary.  On average, nanny’s charge $700-800 a week or over $30,000 a year.


Subsidized Fees.  In order to keep CDCs affordable, the military subsidizes the program and charges parents on a sliding scale based on their total family income.  These fees can range from just under $300 to almost $800 per month per child; both well below the national average.


Fee Assistance.  Additionally, the services now offer financial support to families who cannot find care for their children on the installation, either because of a lack of availability or the distance between the duty station and the CDC.  The Fee Assistance Program is meant to partially cover the difference in cost between what the servicemember would be expected to pay at the CDC and what they are required to pay at an off base childcare facility.


# 6 Tag Team Deployments


Let’s look at another financial challenge for dual military couples – potential Tag Team Deployments.  When spouses are in separate units, that can mean separate deployment schedules.


In some cases, dual military couples with kids intentionally alternate their deployments so that one parent is always home with the kids.  While this is an amazing sacrifice, it can be a strain on their relationship and their wallet.


This constant churn of one parent always being deployed can increase childcare expenses, travel costs, and spending on household help to balance the demands on the family.  Fortunately, when the demands of duty keep these couples apart, they may be eligible for the Family Separation Allowance (FSA).


The one positive of these dual deployments is that it provides ample opportunity to push up their tax-free Thrift Savings Plan Roth contributions while in a combat zone.  They may also contribute up to $10,000 to the Savings Deposit Program earning 10% interest during their deployment.


#7 Estate Planning


You can’t talk about dual military couples’ deployments without addressing the importance of proper estate planning.  Because both members could and often do deploy, their estate planning preparedness is even more critical to their overall financial plan.


If they have minor children, they have the added requirement to complete their services’ Family Care Plan, which requires among other things, naming short-term and long-term guardians for their children should they need to deploy on short notice.


Dual military families frequently list this as their biggest pain point.  Each time they PCS, they find themselves in a new community, a long way from family, asking brand new neighbors they barely know to take responsibility for their kids on a moment’s notice.


#8 Two GI Bills


One of the most amazing financial benefits dual military families earn is two GI Bill education benefits.  All that money they spent on childcare–they finally get a benefit that can work for them!  For dual military couples, this provides the ultimate education funding flexibility.


From a planning point of view, each member of the couple should transfer their benefit to other spouse as soon as they’re eligible, this starts their service commitment clock.  If they have children, they should both transfer at least one month of GI Bill benefit to each child.  This sets them up to take full advantage of this amazing education benefit when their kids are college bound.


#9 Two Careers


It can’t be overstated how difficult maintaining a marriage and raising a family can be when there are two military careers involved – two separate but important missions to achieve, two commanders to serve, and two deployment schedules to meet.   It’s a lot.


Dual military couples face a constant challenge to live together while meeting the needs of their services.  Every career milestone is fraught with possibilities and tradeoffs between the two careers.  Every assignment cycle brings another “should I stay or should I go” conversation.  Whose career will take priority? Will we be able to live together? Where will we find childcare?


What frustrates many dual military couples is that they have little or no control over these life changing decisions.  This lack of flexibility leads many dual military couples to decide that one member will step off active duty and into the reserve component to gain more control of their lives.


From a financial planning point of view, it’s important to recognize that the competing demands of two careers and raising a family may put achieving two active duty retirements out of reach.


 By optimizing your savings opportunities in your early career, you can ensure you’re financially prepared to make decisions when career challenges arise later in your career.


#10 – Two Pensions


Finally, if a dual military couple survives all the deployments and meets all the competing mission demands, in the end, they earn the best financial opportunity of all, two military pensions.


For many dual military couples, if they’ve saved and invested properly all along, this can mean a “BIG R” retirement.


They may not need to take on a second career.   They may be able to hop in the RV and travel the county or more likely, chose work that is rewarding rather than focusing on earning power.


Looked at from investment portfolio point of view – two military pensions mean double the income floor provided by their inflation protected government pension; which could allow them to carry a higher equity to bond ratio in their portfolio than would be typical for their age or retirement timeline.


Also important is that they will have two Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) decisions to make.  If both members of the couple had careers of equal length and rank, if they don’t have any dependents at home and have saved aggressively, growing a large investment portfolio on which to rely, their SBP decision could be simple.


On the other hand, if they have significant career differences, maybe one left as soon as they reached 20 years, while the other continued to get promoted and retired at 30 years; then their SBP decision is a little more complicated.


Another factor to consider is that because of the competing work/life demands, dual military couples frequently wait to have children until later in their careers.  This means their kids are younger when they retire from the military and have a longer time horizon until they become financially independent adults.  This can create a scenario where it is important for dual military couples to extend SBP coverage to their children.


Follow these links for more insight on the Survivor Benefit Plan and Reserve Component SBP.


A Financial Strategy for Dual Military Couples


If you’re a member of a dual military couple, what is important to understand is that you will experience opportunities and challenges along the way.  If you’re able to maximize your savings and minimize your debt when your dual military careers align, you’ll be prepared for the inevitable financial and career challenges when your careers don’t align.


As a dual military couple, you don’t need to get every financial decision correct, nor do you need to perfectly align your career aspirations at every turn.  If you’re able to maximize your savings opportunities, you’ll have the financial freedom to make decisions that best support your combined professional goals and your family’s priorities.

Every military family’s situation is unique and presents its own challenges and opportunities.  We recommend working with a financial planner who understands your military benefits from first-hand experience and specializes in serving military and veteran families.  The advisor members of MFAA understand your life, your challenges and your benefits because they’ve walked in your shoes.

The information provided in this blog is simply that, information.  It is not intended to serve as an individual recommendation and should not be relied on as investment or tax advice.